

BIS 15. FEBRUAR 2023

TANZAHOi Rewind ist hier!

For all those who bought tickets to see our program and to those who participated in the festival, we want to extend…

Publikumswahl 2021

Bekanntgabe der Publikumswahl 2021! Ihr habt fĂĽr eure Lieblingsfilme von Take Part in Another World abgestimmt, hier ist das Ergebnis!

That’s a wrap!

To our artists, audience, supporters, and collaborators, we would like to say THANK YOU!

Pressemitteilung - Juli 2021

Within the festival’s main focus, a sub-theme arises to define the additional programs of the festival, “the live-nature of movie language in dance”…

Pressemitteilung - Juni 2021

In this year’s edition, TANZAHOi – Take Part in Another World, we are bringing a new perspective to dance and film by including…

TikTok ist jetzt live!

Our brand-new Tik Tok platform is now LIVE! Penelope Morout and Savannah Jade Dobbs, both cross-disciplinary artists …

2021 ProgrammankĂĽndigung

The decision is out! Our program for TANZAHOi – Take Part in Another World has been officially announced…


We are very excited to announce that TANZAHOi International Festival 2021 will be supported by…