Thomas Corriveau
| Biography
Thomas Corriveau made his first films in the 1980s and pursued a career as a visual artist, working mainly in the fields of drawing, painting and animation. His works are part of various private and public collections and he has exhibited regularly in Canada and abroad. He is a professor at the School of Visual and Media Arts at Université du Québec in Montréal. After a two-decade hiatus, he returned to animation and is now fully involved as an independent director.
| Biography
Thomas Corriveau made his first films in the 1980s and pursued a career as a visual artist, working mainly in the fields of drawing, painting and animation. His works are part of various private and public collections and he has exhibited regularly in Canada and abroad. He is a professor at the School of Visual and Media Arts at Université du Québec in Montréal. After a two-decade hiatus, he returned to animation and is now fully involved as an independent director.