

BIS 15. FEBRUAR 2023



Januar Pressemitteilung


Taiwan Bottle Post - Festival Tour | 18. - 20. February 2022 at 10:30 CET | online stream (tanzahoi.org wird wieder unsere Streaming-Plattformen sein. Der Austausch zwischen Publikum und Künstlern wird über Zoom stattfinden. Als Zugangspunkt und Funke des Interesses für die Kunst und zukünftige Möglichkeiten werden wir TikTok integrieren, um junge Zuschauer mit Choreografien und Engagementmöglichkeiten zu erreichen.) | live at 濕地|venue (Taipei)

The Hamburg festival, TANZAHOi, created an international program of digital firsts in 2021 with the support of Neu Start Kultur during a time of change in the performing arts. The young dance and dance film festival made steps to foster cross-media creation and offer dance from new perspectives on the screen and in hybrid live and online formats. TANZAHOi has been developing further on the base built from the support of Neu Start Kultur, and received an invitation from Taiwan to present Taiwan Bottle Post - Festival Tour from February 18 - 20, 2022. 

Entitled “Bottle Post'' as an homage to the festival’s Hanseatic roots in Hamburg, the new digital touring concept is an extension of the annual program which takes place in September. Supported by the Hamburg Authority for Culture and Media, the Ministry of Culture Taiwan, the ChinLin Foundation, and the National Culture and Arts Foundation Taiwan, the Bottle Post program is centered around seminars given by professionals from the field of dance film to continue discussion that began in Hamburg in 2021. The festival artists presenting dance films and streams will also be engaged in Q&A opportunities with the festival speakers and virtual and live audiences. 

Die Seminare werden mit der Absicht kuratiert, die Diskussion über die digitale Welle, die die Welt in den letzten, von Pandemien geprägten Jahren überrollt hat, zu verstärken. Die Möglichkeiten, die Multimedia-Projekte (Tanzstreams, Tanzfilm, VR usw.) den Künstler*innen bieten, sind ein Instrument für die notwendige Entwicklung der darstellenden Künste. Das internationale Publikum wird die Gelegenheit haben, von Professionellen aus der Branche etwas über die Nutzung dieser digitalen Werkzeuge und ihre allgemeinen Vorteile in Bezug auf künstlerische Innovation und wirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit in den darstellenden Künsten zu erfahren.

The Taiwan Bottle Post - Festival Tour will take place in collaboration with E-Dance Company at 濕地|venue in Taipei. Taiwan has developed, many years ahead of the current wave, an impressive digital infrastructure in the performing and visual arts. By connecting with arts institutions and collaborators through the touring program, TANZAHOi offers a platform for other international artists to dive into a new local community while engaging the local artists as part of a global platform. An expanded exposure of both the cultural scenes in Hamburg and Taipei allow further connection points with an international viewer base, and bring more artistic traffic to both communities.

Alongside the seminars, the festival will feature the Main Program and Panorama Special Program from the festival that took place in Hamburg in 2021. Both the live and virtual audiences will have the choice between two rooms where different dance films, streams, and seminars will be presented beginning at 10:30 CET each day. The online stream will be held over Zoom to inspire more intimate interaction between the audience and artists in a virtual setting. The virtual room will also be made available to the live audience at the venue in Taiwan, encouraging  social engagement with the artists and virtual audience online and connection of the two viewing mediums. Tickets are available starting the end of January at tanzahoi.org/tickets.
