

BIS 15. FEBRUAR 2023

Living on the Threshold (Habiter Le Seuil)

Marine Chesnais
Samstag 4. Nov 2023
17:15 GMT+1
Metropolis Kino
  • Tanzfilm

| Synopsis

Contemporary dancer and choreographer Marine Chesnais situates her otherworldly performances underwater with no breathing apparatus. In preparation for a new work, she travels to RĂ©union Island to dive with migrating humpback whales. The experience forever changes her perspective on life and nature.

| Credits

Production : ONE BREATH
Director : Vincent Bruno
Choreographer : Marine Chesnais
Cinematographer & Editor : Vincent Bruno
Music : François Joncour
Sound : Nikolas Javelle

Marine Chesnais

| Biographie

Marine Chesnais is a choreographer and performer, born on May 1st 1988. Passionate about freediving, the exploration of internal fluidity and energetic practices around breath and resonance are at the heart of her creative research. Within the company ONE BREATH, she develops the notion of bio-inspired dance.

| Biographie

Marine Chesnais is a choreographer and performer, born on May 1st 1988. Passionate about freediving, the exploration of internal fluidity and energetic practices around breath and resonance are at the heart of her creative research. Within the company ONE BREATH, she develops the notion of bio-inspired dance.